(prompt "Which CPU type(s) do you want to have supported?")
(help "Select the type of CPU you want to have supported.\nIf you have no PPC-accelerator card, 68k is your choice.\nIf you have a PPC-board, there is no need to install the 68k-versions, too.")
" 68k (68020 or better)"
" PPC (PPC603e or better, WarpOS required)"
(default (+ 1 2))
(if (= #cputype 0)
(abort "No CPU-type selected.\n\nInstallation aborted!")
(set #video-format
(prompt "What type of video format has your Amiga as default?")
(help "If your Amiga is in Europe, you normally have to choose PAL")
(default 0)
(set #fmfiles
(prompt "What files shall be installed?")
(help "FMdriver.guide: Online documentation (AmigaGuide format) for the FMdriver programs\n\nFMBaseConfig: Config program for FM display settings\n\nFMInit: Tool for the WB and CLI which initializes the FrameMachine\n\nFMTV: Watch TV on your Workbench!\n\nFMRecorder: Records and converts anims\n\nFMGrab: CLI tool for grabbing single images\n\nFMRecord/FMRecordDec: like FMRecorder, but for the CLI")
" FMdriver.guide - online documentation"
" FMBaseConfig"
" FMInit"
" FMRecorder"
" FMGrab (CLI tool)"
" FMRecord / FM RecordDec (CLI tool)"
(default (+ 1 2 4 8 16 32 64))
(if (= #fmfiles 0)
(abort "No FMdriver application(s) selected.\n\nInstallation aborted!")
(help "The \"wizard.library\" is needed for the applications using a GUI.\nIt is the free distributable part of Haage&Partners StormWIZARD system.")
(source "libs/wizard.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail force askuser)
(COMPLETE 20) ; XILINX-files
(prompt "Copying XILIX-files to DEVS:")
(help "These files are needed to configure the FrameMachinehardware.\nThey are loaded on driver-open into the reconfigurable Xilinx-Units on the FrameMachine.\nYou have to copy both files to \"DEVS:\", otherwise the driver cannot work!")